
An American multinational food, snack, and beverage corporation headquartered in Harrison, New York.


  • Discovered knowledge gaps in ongoing business transformations projects in the post-transition analysis. 
  •  Manual documentation of financial transactions was sluggish and error-prone.
  • Required automated solution to reduce documentation expenses, mitigate the risks  of sensitive information exposure and increase productivity.


  • epiplex automated data capture the of R2R process by efficiently  capturing every mouse click to generate detailed workflow diagrams.
  • Workflow diagrams were transformed into training simulation videos to record, train share valuable process information.
  • Enabled transfer of multiple business processes while ensuring historical data was accurately & securely captured & remained consistent during transition.
  • Developed a custom tool to converts over 50k Word documents to a HTML format for streamlined processes.


  • 50% immediate reduction in error & re-work.
  • 53%  reduction in content authoring time.
  • 100% data accuracy was achieved.
  • 40% reduction in an end-to-end process transition time.
  • 60%  hours in annual time savings recorded.